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Grassfed Beef

We offer nutrient-dense beef products from our herd of Dexter and Lowline (Aberdeen) Angus cattle. Our beef is 100% grassfed and grass finished. This means, other than their mother's milk, the only feed they consume is grass and other forages grown on our farm, along with hay in the winter.

Ground Beef

Chub package. 100% grass fed and grass finished, born and raised on our farm.

Beef - Chuck Roast

1 per package, approximately 2.5 pounds

Beef - Brisket

1 per package, approximately 4 pounds

Beef - Round Steak (tenderized)

1 per package, approximately 0.75 pound

Beef - Hanger Steak

1 steak per package, approximately 1/2 pound

Beef - Cheek Meat

1 per package, approximately 1 pound

Beef - Liver (sliced)

Approximately 1 pound per package

Beef - Heart

1 per package, approximately 1 pound

Ox Tail (cut up)

One cut up ox tail per package

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